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New Jersey Adopts 2021 Building Code

6 September 2021

Today, New Jersey adopted the 2021 version of the International Code Council (ICC) codes along with updated versions of the National Electric Code, the National Standard Plumbing Code, and other related standards.

New Jersey’s Uniform Construction Code (NJUCC) adopts codes by regulation. The codes are administered by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Division of Codes & Standards. They are uniform statewide and local jurisdictions are not permitted to make amendments.

The following is a list of codes currently adopted in New Jersey

International Building Code 2021 (IBC) with New Jersey Edits

National Standard Plumbing Code 2021 (NSPC) with New Jersey Edits

NFPA 70: National Electric Code 2020 (NEC)

International Energy Conservation Code 2021 (IECC) (Low-Rise Residential)
Energy Subcode ASHRAE 90.1-2019 (Commercial and Other Residential)

International Mechanical Code 2021 (IMC)

International Residential Code 2021 (IRC) with New Jersey Edits

International Fuel Gas Code 2021 (IFGC)

NJUCC Subchapter 6 (NJAC 5:23-6)

IBC Chapter 11 & ICC A117.1-2017

New Jersey allows for a 6-month grace period before new codes become mandatory. Complete permit applications (including all prior approvals) submitted by 6 March 2023, may be reviewed under the previous versions of the code. This is the option of the design professional and the applicant, not the code official.

A Few Key Changes to IBC
IBC now defines Mass Timber Construction and permits wood structures constructed of mass timber up to 18 stories tall.

Distilling and brewing of alcoholic beverages has been removed from the “H” high-hazard occupancy classification.

Puzzle rooms are now regulated as special amusement areas.

New scoping requirements to require accessible electric vehicle charging stations

Changes to Accessibility Standards

The Barrier Free Subcode now references the 2017 edition of ICC A117.1. This newer standard includes several important changes the most significant being the larger turning radius and wheelchair parking spaces. The familiar 60” turning radius has been replaced with a requirement for 67” and the wheelchair parking space has been enlarged from 30” x 48” to 30” x 52”. This will result in slightly larger toilet rooms and accessible toilet stalls. These new requirements only apply to new construction and additions. The older smaller numbers still apply to existing buildings.

Stay tuned for more information regarding these important updates. If you have any questions, just ask the code experts at Cornerstone.

Robert M. Longo, AIA

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Fire Watch Requirements for Buildings Under Construction

As result of the tragic fire in Bound Brook last night, there has been renewed discussion surrounding the safety of wood frame buildings. When designed and built properly, wood frame buildings can be safe, affordable, resilient and sustainable. From the accounts I’ve read, the buildings in Bound Brook where the fire started were under construction. Buildings in this state are particularly vulnerable because required elements like fire rated gypsum board, fire doors, smoke alarms, and sprinklers have not yet been installed.

For these reasons, the 2018 International Building Code, which was recently adopted in NJ, allows the Fire Official to require a fire watch in combustible buildings that exceed 40 feet in height. A fire watch means that trained workers are on site 24/7 to monitor the building and alert emergency personnel if smoke or fire are spotted.

These new regulations will certainly help protect buildings under construction and hopefully prevent future similar incidents.

Robert M. Longo, AIA

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New Requirement for Buildings in New Jersey with Solar Panels

On December 20, 2017 the New Jersey Division of Fire Safety adopted a new rule requiring identifying emblems for structures with solar panels.

Photovoltaic (solar) panels pose a risk to emergency personnel especially firefighters. Solar panels can carry enough voltage and current to injure or even kill someone who comes in contact with the energized conductors. They can also be a trip hazard and interfere with ventilating a roof during a fire. For these reasons it is important for first responders to be aware when they are entering a building that is powered by solar panels so they can take proper precautions.

The photovoltaic system warning signs require an emblem in the shape of a Maltese cross made up of a three inch diameter circle with a stroke width of one-half inch and Maltese cross wings that are one and one-eighth inches in height or width with a stroke width of one-half inch.  Signs must also have a white reflective background with red lettering. Depending on the installation, one of the following three signs will be required; “PV Roof Mounted”, “PV Adjacent”, or “PV Roof Mounted and Adjacent.” All lettering shall be one and one-quarter inch in height with a stroke width of one-quarter inch.

The owner of the building is responsible for posting these signs.  They shall be permanently mounted to the left of the main entrance door at a height of between four and six feet above the ground and shall be maintained to ensure readability. If a truss identification sign has already been posted, this new sign shall be posted directly above the truss sign.

Detached one and two-family residential structures shall be exempt from the signage provisions, however the owner of any residential or nonresidential structure who installed a roof mounted solar panel system must provide written notification to the local fire official. This written notification should include the name of the property owner, the address of the structure where the PV system has been installed, the year they were installed, and a copy of the permit that was filed.

The full text of the rules adoption can be downloaded here.

If you need signs for your building, we found an online retailer that is making signs that conform to the New Jersey requirements; they can be purchased here.

If you have any question regarding these changes or any other code requirements, just ask the code experts at Cornerstone.

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Carbon Monoxide Detectors Now Required in All Use Groups

New Jersey recently adopted a rule modifying the Uniform Construction Code (UCC) and the Uniform Fire Code (UFC) to require Carbon Monoxide (CO) detectors in all use groups. Previously, CO detectors were only required in use groups where occupants would be sleeping unattended, including group I-1 and all group R buildings.

Carbon monoxide is primarily a concern in buildings with fuel burning appliances. If a building has natural gas or oil fired appliances such as a furnace, boiler, water heater, stove, clothes dryer, etc, then CO detection will be required.

This requirement is retroactive under UFC, meaning all buildings with fuel burning appliance must now comply. The law is currently in effect and there is no grace period. This requirement will likely be enforced during the annual fire inspection process required for most commercial buildings.

The requirements for CO detection also apply to new construction. Relevant changes have been made to UCC via errata to IBC 2015 NJ edition, which can be downloaded here. Requirements for additions, alterations and reconstructions can be found in the Rehabilitation Subcode.

The retroactive requirements in UFC for non-residential use groups are outlined below.

  • Carbon monoxide detection is required to be installed in the immediate vicinity of all sources of carbon monoxide.
  • In addition to providing detection at the source, the following additional areas need to be protected:
    • Spaces adjacent to the source of carbon monoxide.
    • In the immediate vicinity of any shaft, including but not limited to, stair towers, elevator shafts and ventilation shafts at the level of the potential source of carbon monoxide.
    • In the room at the first register or grill off the main duct trunk(s) from the HVAC equipment that is a potential source of carbon monoxide.
    • In any story that is within two stories of a source of carbon monoxide.

There are specific cases where the UFC exempts the installation of carbon monoxide detectors. These include repair garages, battery charging areas and most warehouses.

Carbon monoxide alarms may be battery-operated, plug-in, or hard-wired. Combination fire and carbon monoxide detection systems are permitted. The alarm must provide sound at a level that is 15dB above ambient sound. There is no requirement for fire department notification.

Additional information is available in DCA Bulletin 2017-1 which can be downloaded here.

If you have any question regarding these changes or any other code requirements, just ask the code experts at Cornerstone.

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Cornerstone Participates in CANstruction

CANstruction is a competition created under the vision of uniting design and engineering through a unique and fun medium that improves the lives of the underprivileged and benefits local food bank programs. This charity event is part of a national program that calls upon teams of architects and designers to envision and create structures made entirely of canned food.

Cornerstone Architectural Group’s team was thrilled to participate in this notable event once again this year. This year’s theme was Childhood Toys, and our entry build was The Fisher-Price “Chatter Telephone”. Our entry required almost 4,000 cans! After the build, all food was donated to a local food bank. Truly a great cause and effect.

We would like to thanks our generous donors; S&K Construction : Ajay Barthwal : The Holder Group : Beth & Louis Eisenberg : The Reynolds Group : Cheryl & Anthony L’Altrelli :Jeff Maglietta


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Cornerstone Celebrates 30th Anniversary

Cornerstone Architectural Group, LLC, celebrated 30 years in business during a reception at the firm’s Hamilton Boulevard office building. Staff, invited guests, clients, business partners, friends and family gathered at an outdoor social gathering amid tasty treats and favorite beverages. The celebration was highlighted by Borough Council President Derryk C. White, when he presented and read a proclamation from the Mayor’s office congratulating the partners and staff of Cornerstone on their 30th Anniversary.

Ranked by NJ Biz Magazine as one of New Jersey’s top 50 architectural design firms. Cornerstone Architectural Group is a local, design award winning firm that specializes in professional services in architecture, interior design, land planning and construction management. The firm employs a staff of ten at its South Plainfield office. The firm delivers design excellence in public, civic and commercial buildings.

Pictured (left front to right): Firm partners Robert M. Longo, AIA, Robert F. Barranger, AIA and Michael G. Soriano, AIA, receive a special proclamation from Borough Council President Derryck C. White.

Pictured (left front to right): Firm partners Robert M. Longo, AIA, Robert F. Barranger, AIA and Michael G. Soriano, AIA, receive a special proclamation from Borough Council President Derryck C. White.


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Fire Sprinklers for Rooftop Occupancies

On 21 September 2015, NJ adopted the 2015 ICC series of codes including the International Building Code (IBC). We are currently in the 6 month grace period and transitioning into the new code. All projects submitted for plan review after 21 March 2016 must use these new codes.

16ROOFTOP1-articleLarge (1)

One significant change in the fire sprinkler requirements brings further restriction to occupancies with assembly uses on roofs. We are seeing with more frequency, rooftops being used for lounges, bars, restaurants, passive green space and other similar purposes. Because a roof does not meet the definition of a fire area, protection of the occupants can be less than would be required if the occupancy were located on a floor. Section 903.2.1.6 of the 2015 IBC was added to address this concern. The section states:

When an occupied roof has an assembly occupancy with an occupant load exceeding 100 for Group A-2 and 300 for other Group A occupancies, all floors between the occupied roof and the level of exit discharge shall be equipped with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.

In simpler terms, in most cases this means; if you put a lot of people on the roof, you are required to install sprinklers in the entire building.

While this provision does not require sprinklers on the roof, it provides additional protection to the occupants on the roof should a fire occur in the building.

In summary, including roof top occupancies in a new building may trigger the need for a fire sprinkler system that might not otherwise be required. Additionally, adding a roof top occupancy to an existing building may require adding sprinklers to the entire building.

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The End of Impact Resistant Glazing?

On 21 September 2015, New Jersey formally adopted the 2015 ICC series of codes including the International Building Code (IBC) and the International Residential Code (IRC). This is the first code update in NJ in nearly six years and it comes with many changes.

One significant change is the removal of most buildings in NJ from Wind Born Debris Regions. These are areas that the code defines as hurricane-prone due to high wind speed and/or proximity to the coastline.

This change stems from updates to the wind speed maps that are referenced in the code. By moving the higher wind speeds farther off the coast, the new maps essentially find that NJ is at a lower risk of wind events than previously thought.

Here is an excerpt from the IBC commentary explaining the reason for the change:

“Over the past decade, new data and research have indicated that the mapped hurricane wind speeds have been overly conservative. Significantly more hurricane data has become available, which in turn allows for improvements in the hurricane simulation model that is used to develop wind speed maps. The new hurricane hazard model yields hurricane wind speeds that are lower than those given in previous editions of the code, even though the overall rate of intense storms has increased.”

This code change results in the removal of the requirement for Impact Resistant Glazing in most New Jersey buildings, including all residential buildings.

As evidence by recent storms including Hurricane Joaquin, the continued threat to NJ is likely to be from flood events rather than wind related events.

It is important however to remember that building codes are a minimum standard and there are reasons why one may want to include impact resistant glazing. Building owners are encourage to consult with their architect regarding the appropriate application of all glazing types.


For those interested in more detail, below is a summary of the relevant code provisions.

  • IBC 2015 (and 2012) reference ASCE 07-10. This is where the changes are derived from.
  • Buildings will be assigned to Risk Categories that will essentially align wind design with seismic design based on risk to human life, health and welfare that would result from the failure of that type of building.
  • Due to the different wind speed design maps, the windborne debris region will be different depending on the Risk Category of the building being built.
  • Most buildings will fall into Risk Category II & III and use map Figure 1609.3 (1) for the purpose of determining windborne debris regions.
  • Buildings in Risk Category IV (essential facilities) will use map Figure 1609.3 (2)
  • Windborne debris regions are defined as areas within hurricane-prone regions that are either within 1 mile of the coastal mean high water line where the ultimate design wind speed is 130 mph or greater; or any areas where the ultimate design wind speed is 140 mph or greater.
  • By definition, Risk Category III buildings, will use Risk Category II wind speed maps (1609.3(1)) for the purpose of determining if a building is in a wind born debris region.
  • Risk Category II & III buildings will NOT be in wind born debris regions because the 130 mph wind speed line in map figure 1609.3 (1) is over the ocean.
  • Risk Category IV buildings MAY be in wind born debris regions because the 130 mph wind speed line in map figure 1609.3 (2) crosses over land in parts of costal NJ.

In summary, most building in NJ will no longer be in wind born debris regions. Only “Essential Facilities” (Risk Category IV) located within 1 mile of the coast AND in areas with 130 MPH wind will need to meet these requirements.

If you have any question regarding these changes or any other code requirements, just ask the code experts at Cornerstone.

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NJ Formally Adopts 2015 ICC Series of Codes

On 21 September 2015, NJ formally adopted the 2015 ICC Series of Codes including the International Building Code (IBC) and the International Residential Code (IRC). This is the first code update since 2009 and it comes with literally hundreds of changes.


Click here to access the DCA website for a full list of code adoptions

  Below is a small sample of some of the significant changes to the code.

  • Wind born debris regions that trigger the requirement for impact resistant glazing have been modified. This will affect many buildings along the NJ Shore.
  • Institutional uses, including medical offices & assisted living facilities will be affected by the addition of “Occupancy Conditions.”
  • Requirements for the handling of hazardous materials including flammable and combustible liquids have been revised.
  • Egress requirements from mezzanines have been changed.
  • New sprinkler requirements for buildings with assembly occupancies on roofs.
  • New requirements for low level “Exit” signs in some occupancies.

If you have any question regarding these changes or any other code requirements, just ask the code experts at Cornerstone.

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Robert M. Longo, AIA Named to AIANJ Task Force


In the aftermath of the Avalon Edgewater Building Fire, the New Jersey chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA-NJ) has announced the formation of a task force of member architects to review possible improvements to design practices and building codes and standards in order to enhance building safety in New Jersey.  Click on the following link for more information about this task force; AIANJ Blog. Robert M. Longo, AIA is a firm principal and a licensed building code official. Bob also chairs the AIA NJ Building Codes and Standards Committee.

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Raymond Chisholm Community Center Youth Wing Grand Opening


On March 21, 2015, the official ribbon cutting and dedication for the Youth Wing was celebrated by Freeholders from Union County, Springfield Township officials, the community center staff, the design team, the builder and community youth groups. The new design and construction features a fully updated Lee Adler Memorial Gymnasium, interactive teen center, group meeting rooms and remodeled rest rooms. The objective of the design solution is to revitalize what was once existing and underutilized interior space, and turn it into a vibrant and active youth center.   The project was financed by the Township of Springfield Capital Improvement Budget and grants from the Union County Kids Recreation Trust Fund.   Project Architect, Donna M. Miller, AIA, was responsible for the architectural design as well as the project management during construction. Pharos Enterprises of South Amboy, NJ preformed the general contractor duties.



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Donna M. Miller, AIA Earns NJ Architect License

Cornerstone Architectural Groups’ Donna M. Miller, AIA has just successfully completed all sections of the rigorous Architectural Registration Examination administered by the New Jersey State Board of Architects and NCARB. As a newly Registered Architect in the State of New Jersey, Donna now assumes all of the professional responsibilities of a licensed design professional. Donna has made many very positive contributions in the management of significant design projects over the past five+ years at Cornerstone. She is a project manager, (now Project Architect), overseeing the design, documentation and implementation of designs for several of CAG’s high profile clients. Most notable; SHI, Chelsea Senior Living, Springfield Township, PTC Therapeutics, Foley Inc., and Environ among others. Donna lives in Matawan NJ with her husband Jason and their dog Blue. Donna’s next “Big Project” will be an addition to her family, “expected” VERY shortly!


New Jersey State Board of Architects Member and CAG Principal, Michael G. Soriano, AIA (right) congratulates newly licensed Architect Donna M. Miller, AIA (left) just after the State Board confirmed her licensure at their meeting held on February 12, 2015 in Newark, NJ.

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New “Secret Santa” at Cornerstone

Today is our annual in office Holiday luncheon where we always order in some catering and our very own Vito Tamborrino cooks us up his famous “Vicious Vito” Italian Steak sandwiches! We sit at our conference table, next to our Christmas Tree and among the many gift baskets we have received, we share funny stories of the year gone by, and we open up our “Secret Santa” gifts. But not quite this year… Yes, God knows we’ll still be stuffing ourselves and enjoying each others’ company and good humor, but this year we, (Thank You Donna Peist for the wonderful idea), decided to take the money we would have normally spent on “gag” gifts for each other, and rather donate that amount to sponsoring and buying needed Christmas gifts for a local family in need. We’ve all been so Blessed this past year, so it just felt like the right thing to do at the right time. Who knows, we may have just started a NEW Cornerstone Tradition!


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The “BIG Game”

Cornerstone has been busy in preparation for the “Big Game” this weekend. Click below for some highlights of our work at MetLife Stadium.

You are no doubt aware that there will be a major sporting event this weekend in our home state of New Jersey. We are unable to tell you the name of the event because it is trademarked, but we will assume you have an idea of what we’re referring to.
Here at Cornerstone, we have been working hard for the past three years in preparation for the big game. We are fortunate to have completed over 15 projects at MetLife Stadium for a variety of clients. Projects include work directly for the stadium as well as branding for some well know corporations.
In addition to the two projects featured here, our completed work includes; offices for the “big game” host committee, medical replay room, and ticket booth alterations. We have done several branding projects and signage installations for Chase Bank, Bud Light, Tostitos, and Toyota.
We are proud that this event is taking place in our home state and we feel privilege to have had the opportunity to work on these projects.
Please also take a quick read of the “BIG Game” special edition of our newsletter and we hope you enjoy watching the game on Sunday!
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Breakaway Walls in the “V Zone”

Breakaway walls are allowed both by the International Residential Code and by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) rules. However, there are certain identified “disconnects” between what is allowed by law and what may result in higher insurance premiums. The use of breakaway walls in a V zone is one of these disconnects.
In accordance with the NFIP Flood Insurance Manual, insurance companies may charge higher premiums for an “elevated building with obstruction.” The Flood Insurance Manual contains the following guidelines. (Note: The italicized text below is from the Manual. The most recent (May 1, 2013) Manual may be accessed at FEMA Manual.)
1. Elevated Building Without Obstruction
The area below the lowest elevated floor is open, with no obstruction, to allow the flow of floodwaters. Insect screening is permissible. Wooden or plastic lattice, slates, or shutters are also permissible if at least 40 percent of their area is open. Lattice can be no thicker than 1/2 inch; slats or shutters can be no thicker than 1 inch. In addition, buildings are considered without obstruction if the area below the lowest elevated floor is enclosed by a combination of 1 solid breakaway wall or garage door, and the other sides of the enclosure are insect screening, or wooden or plastic lattice, slats, or shutters. Machinery or equipment below the lowest elevated floor must be at or above the BFE. Use the rates from Table 3E. For unnumbered Zone V, use the Submit-for-Rate procedures.
2. Elevated Building With Obstruction
Buildings are rated “With Obstruction” if any of the following conditions are met:
a. The area below the lowest elevated floor is enclosed fully by solid breakaway walls.
b. The area below the lowest elevated floor is enclosed by a combination of 2 or more solid breakaway walls, the remaining sides constructed of insect screening, or wooden or plastic lattice, slats, or shutters.
c. Machinery or equipment below the lowest elevated floor is also below the BFE. Use the rates from Table 3F provided that the enclosure is less than 300 square feet with solid breakaway walls, or any machinery or equipment is below the BFE. For unnumbered Zone V, use Submit-for-Rate procedures.
Homeowners are permitted to enclose areas below the BFE with breakaway walls. However, they should be informed that this will result in higher insurance premiums. Under the Flood Insurance Manual, enclosed space of 300 square feet or more will be counted as the building’s lowest floor even if it is enclosed with breakaway walls and is restricted to use for building access, parking or storage in accordance with the rules. “Without obstruction” in accordance with the above guidelines results in the best rates. How much higher will the rate be with obstructions? Most of the flood insurance rates in the V zone are shown as “submit for rate” which means that the information is submitted to the insurance company and the company determines the policy premium.
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Boosting NJ Const. Industry w/ New Flood Maps

Homeowners battered by Hurricane Sandy got some relief recently, when the federal government issued revised, scaled-back flood maps and elevation requirements. For architects and builders working on those homes, it means many long-stalled rebuilding projects may soon pick up.
The new maps shrink the so-called V zones in Hudson, Monmouth, Ocean and Atlantic counties — there areas where homes are most prone to flooding — moving many dwellings to the lower-risk A zones. That likely means simpler, cheaper rebuilding projects and lower insurance premiums, not to mention owners’ increased willingness to move ahead after the months of uncertainty that followed the October storm.

Meanwhile, some local governments have addressed another issue in Sandy’s aftermath. Towns like Point Pleasant and Manasquan have loosened zoning restrictions for residential heights, allowing homeowners to comply with the federal guidelines without conflict.

In the coming weeks, towns will work with FEMA to determine how to apply the guidelines to current building codes. Because the maps were only released very recently, town officials were still analyzing local data and could not specifically comment on how it may be applied. Changes could include elevating homes in a number of ways, breakaway walls that would fall away against the force of waves, deep pilings to better anchor a buildings being pushed by the force of rushing water and flood vents to allow water to pass through the foundation of shore front property.
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World’s Tallest Building, ‘Sky City’, To Break Ground “Fast”

A Chinese construction company is setting out to build the world’s tallest building, in Changsha, China. And it says it can finish it in one-tenth of the time it took to build the current record holder. Broad Sustainable Construction, a company known for building high-rise buildings in record-breaking time, said it will break ground in June ’13 on the project, which will stand at 838 meters, or 2,749 feet, when completed. The building is slated to make an incredibly speedy progress, finishing construction in seven months. Construction of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the world’s current tallest building, took approximately six years to complete. The building will be called “Sky City” and will exceed the Burj Khalifa by roughly 10 meters (30 feet). While the Burj Khalifa is in a popular Middle East tourist destination, the biggest city in the United Arab Emirates and a worldwide aviation hub, the new Sky City will be erected in the middle of a field in Changsha, the capital of the province of Hunan — a city of 7 million, to be sure, but located in the middle of China, with the closest international metropolis being Hong Kong, 600 km (400 miles) to the south.
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Thinking Big: Four Visions of a New Penn Station

The Municipal Art Society of NYC asked four design firms to “Draw BIG” and  Reimagine the ideal Pennsylvania Station and Madison Square Garden.
The proposals by Diller Scofidio & RenfroSHoP ArchitectsSkidmore, Owings & Merrill and H3 Hardy Collaboration Architecture were introduced on May 29th. All plans expect the new station to include high-speed rail.
H3 Hardy Collaboration Architecture
H3 HARDY COLLABORATION ARCHITECTURE Moves the entire complex to the West Side waterfront at 34th Street, creates an elevated bike and pedestrian promenade and turns Pier 76 into a new 16-acre park. 
Diller Scofidio & Renfro
DILLER SCOFIDIO & RENFRO Moves Madison Square Garden across Eighth Avenue next to the James A. Farley Post Office building; Penn Station becomes a multilevel public space with amenities like a spa and a theater. 
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
SKIDMORE, OWINGS & MERRILL Moves Madison Square Garden off site and expands the station to four city blocks from two. Above ground: green space four times the size of Bryant Park; housing twice the size of Tudor City; more offices than Rockefeller Center; and more cultural spaces than Lincoln Center. 
SHoP ARCHITECTS Expands the existing site with a lightweight concrete structure that is meant to evoke the old Penn Station and seeks to make the station a social meeting spot. 

When’s the last time you heard someone say… Let’s meet for a drink at Penn Station? People say that about Grand Central all the time.


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“Stigma Stompers”

May is mental health awareness month and Cornerstone is getting involved! Receptionist for the firm, Angelina Baker, organized a team for the annual 5k NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Illness, Mercer County walk. NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI advocates for access to services, treatment, supports and research and is steadfast in its commitment to raise awareness and build a community for hope for all of those in need. NAMI is the foundation for hundreds of NAMI State Organizations, NAMI Affiliates and volunteer leaders who work in local communities across the country to raise awareness and provide essential and free education, advocacy and support group programs. Angelina’s team, “The Stigma Stompers” raised a total of $945 and had 12 people join her in walking to promote mental health awareness. Mercer County had over 850 people who proudly gathered to walk. Together, the Mercer county teams raised over S110,000. Mental Illness affects 1 in 4 or nearly 60 million Americans each year. Cornerstone offers endless support to anyone diagnosed with a mental illness and caretakers in the mental health care system.

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One World Trade Center – One Proud Day for America!

Cheers erupted as the spire topped One World Trade Center on Friday morning May 10, 2013. A crane lifted the last of a 408-foot tall spire on top of the “Freedom Tower”, a capstone to an emotional 12-year effort to replace the twin towers destroyed by terrorists. The 18-piece silver spire tops out the tower at a symbolic 1,776 feet, a nod to the year America signed the Declaration of Independence. The new building is just north of the original towers, now the hallowed ground known as Ground Zero. “This really is a symbolic moment because this building really represents the resiliency of this country,” said Port Authority Vice Chair Scott Rechler. “These people, the thousands of men and women who have worked here tirelessly, really as a tribute for the people that perished on 9/11 right on this site”. The pinnacle was built with the city’s streets in mind. Its tip holds a beacon with 288 50-watt LED lights that will allow it be seen up to 50 miles away on a clear day. Once operational, the spire will serve as a world-class broadcast antenna. It also makes the building the tallest in the Western Hemisphere.

Submitted by: Michael G. Soriano, AIA Ref: NBC